
We have Selected a Recipient for our Fall 2017 Entrepreneur Endorsement Scholarship!

Author: Mary Lou Winn
Categories: Recent News

We have Selected a Recipient for our Entrepreneur Endorsement Scholarship!

Congratulations to Tiffani Leroue of Columbia Basin College!

Scholarship Winner Graphic- Tiffani Leroue

At Viking Mergers & Acquisitions, we believe in cultivating the next generation of entrepreneurs. Small businesses are the heart of the American economy, and to support the future of small business owners, our firm created the Entrepreneur Endorsement Scholarship. Founded in August 2015, the goal of the Entrepreneur Endorsement Scholarship is to help young entrepreneurs pay for their education while also promoting a strong community of passionate and innovative millennial entrepreneurs.

The selection of the recipient has been a long and difficult process. Seeing what the future of small business looks like for America is truly inspiring, especially when there are so many dedicated applicants to choose from. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our applicants for taking the time to apply and praise you for your talent, hard work, and commitment.

After carefully considering a number of impressive applicants, we are excited to announce the official winner of the Fall 2017 Entrepreneur Endorsement Scholarship: Tiffani Leroue!

Tiffani is currently pursuing her BA in Project Management at Columbia Basin College, located in Pasco, Washington. She has already attained her AA in Science and AA in Project Management from her local community college, and she achieved these both with honors. She is the first of her family to go to college and owns a handyman and general contracting company with her husband. Tiffani says that raising two kids, going to college and running a small business is costly and that receiving this scholarship will ease some of that burden.

Our scholarship essay asked applicants: If you could start a company or business with a celebrity (dead or alive), whom would it be and why? Also, what type of company or business would you start with that celebrity and why?

Here is an excerpt from Tiffani’s winning essay:

“I am working on my Bachelor’s degree in Project Management. I think starting a consulting firm with Mark Cuban would result in a very successful business. He has shown a great track record in this field. When opening a business, you want to be able to have the best working for you. This will show in the quality of your work, and place you above your competition, making you more sought after. In project management, I will be able to use this degree in a consulting field as well. Each customer or business would be a “project”. Each project will need to have a management plan and structure created specifically for them with key milestones. This will ensure that we are doing everything we possibly can to be a success to our customer. Together we can propel the customer and business forward.”

Tiffani includes her favorite Mark Cuban quote within her essay – “Dreams are merely thoughts; the doing is more powerful than the dreaming. The doing is what changes the world and impacts people in unforeseen ways.”

Viking Mergers & Acquisitions offers the Entrepreneur Endorsement Scholarship on a bi-annual basis and encourages millennial entrepreneurs to apply for the upcoming Spring 2018 semester. Congratulations again to Tiffani Leroue and best of luck to all future applicants.

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