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Decades-old company completes high volume, technically complex, and multifaceted projects and is one of the largest in the southeast.
The Company provides its customers with a single source wear part purchasing source that significantly improves their supply chain efficiencies by consolidating their vendor base
Creates increased internal efficiencies for purchasing departments via cost savings, shorter lead-times and improved customer support levels
Well-established, global, customer base that is comprised of the largest, highly recognizable, manufacturing companies in the world
Supplier base of more than 7,300 vendors in the US and Europe
Long-tenured and highly engaged team with a physical presence in the US, Europe, Asia and Latin America
Overseas labor expenses are compressed compared to the US market, creating greater and more affordable funding potential for continued global expansion
Company culture built upon a foundation of trust and shared purpose which has created a highly engaged team with long tenure
The clean and modern office setting has a “advertising firm environment” which supports a transparent and collaborative workplace
Physical presence both domestic & internationally is an industry anomaly and allows the company to provide complete service well beyond its competitors
The leadership team is highly engaged and supports an entrepreneurial culture that encourages accountably and individual project ownership
The founder does not have a significant role in daily operations