Adj. Cash Flow:
North Carolina
North Carolina
This business has been SOLD and is no longer available. Please visit our main Businesses For Sale page to search all available businesses.


Established over 10 years ago, this business specializes in shipping and expediting solutions. The business has contracts with over 100 drivers across the continental United States and due to the impressive driver network, had earned the spot as preferred carrier for almost every major shipper in the country. All drivers own their vehicles, which are under 10k pounds and categorize them into a less regulated class. Using state-of-the-art technology, the business is able to track the shipment from start to finish providing “just in time delivery”. The business has already been pre-approved for an SBA-backed loan with 10 year terms and working capital provided. With a consistent cashflow and growing revenues for 2015, this business will not be on the market for long.

Adj. Cash Flow:

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